biscuit mix bags
Are you looking for something a bit different for a children’s party bag? Do you hate the plastic tat that comes home from each party you go to?
This is it!
These biscuit mix bags can be personalised and there are two fabulous flavours to choose from:
Rainbow party and chocolate chip.
This waste free, affordable and delicious gift for your guests will leave them with something they want and can enjoy, rather than something they can’t wait to put in the bin!
Tell me more!
Each bag contains the ingredients to make six delicious biscuits, all you need to do is add a small amount of butter, the rainbow sprinkle flavour can be vegan if you use plant butter when making them.
All you need is a bowl, spoon and tray to cook them on! they won’t even make it to a plate once you’ve cooked them!
shop here
individual party bag
One biscuit mix bag to make six biscuits
box of 10
Ten individual bags, each bag making six biscuits
box of 15
Ten individual bags, each bag making six biscuits